Status: Finished
Event location: Asc. Battlegrounds - Realm Any



Join Ascended Battlegrounds on regular server (no Elysium) and fight in teams!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Unique

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x2
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x3
PS needed: 5
PvP Token x5
PS needed: 8
PvP Token x7
PS needed: 12

1. Cain230
2. EROR404232
3. Davii192
4. Kyoshiro1515
5. Kenz1515
6. Kratos82
7. Sharpy86
8. Captain811
9. Mystery72
10. Founder72
11. xD73
12. Cupy76
13. Hulu60
14. Jake62
15. Ayo62
16. JP62
17. Eunsang63
18. Tofu67
19. 44468
20. Grosso68
21. Lenitia52
22. Zaya52
23. Feyre53
24. Pepita55
25. JYX55
26. Tonfa514
27. DuBbie40
28. Noturno40
29. Tay44
30. Laele48
31. Melpo48
32. SIMP49
33. ZeRo49
34. Jaeger411
35. Rasha414
36. Berkeley33
37. 灭魂狂飙33
38. Chuckle35
39. Fuljeru39
40. Levi110
41. Imakandi016
42. QVT017
43. TAT019