#105 Wildlands FFA
Status: Finished
Event location: Wildlands - Realm 12



Kill all players in sight. Do not team with others!

PvP Time!

Remember about Puppet Protectors!
All participants will be automatically rewarded.

Event rewards: Common
Top 1
Arcane Coin x20
Top 2
Arcane Coin x15
Top 3
Arcane Coin x10

Participation reward

PvP Token x1
PS needed: 1
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 2
PvP Token x1
PS needed: 3
PvP Token x3
PS needed: 4
PvP Token x4
PS needed: 5

1. Hulu260
2. Rush80
3. Zoe82
4. 云漪52
5. Geisha43
6. Hina46
7. Funfair20
8. Kikkoman22
9. Glaive22
10. y22
11. 天★秋雪210
12. Feyre15
13. BACKJD19
14. Faye02
15. Fool05
16. Bean05
17. CkaPi06
18. Fluffs06